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SAMSON GROUP expands Smart Farming applications range

Fully in line with AGRITECHNICA’s theme 2019 "Global Farming - Local Responsibility", SAMSON GROUP presents new features optimizing slurry and muck distribution with less impact on the environment. For the first time SAMSON and PICHON, both part of SAMSON GROUP A/S, present their innovative news together on a joint stand.

Photo: AVR

New Puma 4.0 connects machine data with the farmer

AVR are introducing new Puma 4.0 at the upcoming Agritechnica fair 2019. The four-row potato harvester is the successor of the popular Puma 3 and is now fully cloud connected. We are launching AVR Connect as well, a digital platform that visualises all measurements and functionalities. This consolidates our position as the world leader in the segment of four-row self-propelled harvesters.

Photo: Spearhead

Next generation Multicut launched in Europe

Following significant design improvements, Spearhead has launched a new generation of Multicut rotary mowers. Two models make up the offering, both with many enhancements to their performance, ease of maintenance and longevity.

Photo: CLAAS

JAGUAR: many new developments and a new top-of-the-range model

CLAAS is presenting the JAGUAR 990 as the new top-of-the-range model in the 900-series forage harvester line-up. The machine is also available with TERRA TRAC crawler tracks. The JAGUAR 970 is equipped with a new engine, which meets the requirements of the Stage V emission standard while both the 900 and 800 model series have a new control concept with CEBIS Touch and many other updates.

Photo: CLAAS

CLAAS expands new ORBIS generation

The new generation of CLAAS maize front attachments for the JAGUAR is expanding again with the addition of the ORBIS 450 and the ORBIS 600 with large discs.

Photo: CLAAS


Using TIM SPEED CONTROL, the CARGOS 9000 and 8000 loader wagons are able to control the speed of the tractor. The ISOBUS function works with certified tractors from all manufacturers.

Jörgen H. Mikkelsen klippte bandet tillsammans med Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser och några av Swedish Agro Machinerys yngsta medarbetare, säljare Alexander Håkansson, verkstadschef Mats Holmberg och servicetekniker Lina Christensson.

Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser invigde Skurupsanläggning

Familjen Claas var på plats när Swedish Agro Machinery i fredags invigde sin anläggning i Skurup. Cathrina Claas-Mühlhäuser klippte invigningsbandet tillsammans med Danish Agros styrelseordförande Jörgen H. Mikkelsen och några av Swedish Agro Machinerys yngsta medarbetare, servicetekniker Lina Christensson, säljare Alexander Håkansson och verkstadschef Mats Holmberg.

Three silver medals for CLAAS innovations. Photo: CLAAS

​Three silver medals for CLAAS innovations

The DLG awards three CLAAS innovations a silver medal eachat Agritechnica. With APS SYNFLOW WALKER, the new threshing unit in the LEXION straw walker models and CEMOS AUTO CHOPPING for automatic adjustment of the straw chopper, two silver medals have been awarded to the new LEXION series. CEMOS AUTO PERFORMANCE controls the engine power and travel speed of the JAGUAR forage harvester.


HORSCH presents new TurboDisc coulter and innovative features for the seed drill Pronto DC

The new TurboDisc 3 double disc coulter combines all the findings and experiences of the previous generations. It achieves a perfect seed placement for the most different requirements and soils. During the development stage the main focus was on precision and stability. In total, the operational reliability in extreme conditions was further improved.

Swedish Agro Machinery visar CLAAS och HORSCH tillsammans. Foto: Swedish Agro Machinery

CLAAS och HORSCH ger sig ut på turné

Swedish Agro Machinery åker ut på en demoturné med sina två premiumvarumärke CLAAS och HORSCH. Traktorer från 140 hk till 445 hk kommer att visas tillsammans med HORSCH tallriksredskap Joker och kultivatorerna Terrano och Crusier. Turnén startar imorgon i Skövde.

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Förser svenskt lantbruk med maskiner, insatsvaror och foder

Swedish Agro är ett svenskt företag som förser lantbrukare med insatsvaror, foder och maskiner av högsta kvalitet. Företaget representerar CLAAS, HORSCH, METSJÖ, RAUCH, SPEARHEAD, SCANSTONE, AVR, AGXEED och DALBO i Sverige. Service och reservdelar finns mobilt och på 24 orter både via egna anläggningar och servicepartners. Med en av Europas modernaste foderfabriker tillverkas foder för flera djurslag. Swedish Agro är ett företag i Danish Agro-koncernen som består av en rad företag inom lantbruksbranschen i norra Europa.

Swedish Agro